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8 Best Spring Flowers To Plant This Year

best spring flowers to plant

Spring is finally here which means your plants and flowers are starting to come back to life! We have created a list of the best spring flowers to plant in your garden this year to add curb appeal and beauty to your outdoor space. From classic Spring tulips, to colorful peonies, we have all your spring flower tips and tricks to help you grow an amazing flower garden.

When we first bought our home, we had no idea what time to plant any flowers and what types of flowers thrive in the Spring. After about five years of gardening and maintaining our flowers, we have come up with a list of the best spring flowers to plant so that you don’t have to do the guessing work.

In this blog post, we will show you the best spring flowers to plant in your garden and some care tips for them. Whether you’re an amazing gardener or just starting to get into gardening, we have the perfect flower care tips for any garden. Now, let’s explore some of the best spring flowers to plant this season!

Happy Gardening!

This blog post is all about best spring flowers to plant.

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What is the easiest flower to grow in Spring?

Pansies are one the easiest flowers to grow in the Spring.

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Best Spring Flowers to Plant

Now, let’s dive into the best Spring flowers to plant in your garden!

1. Tulips

best spring flowers to plant in pots

Tulips are one of the best Spring flowers to plant because they are great for beginners or people that struggle with gardening. Tulips are perennials which mean they will grow back year after year which makes them the perfect addition to your Spring garden.


  • PLANTING IN FALL: If you plan on planting tulips as bulbs, they should be planted in the Fall (6 weeks before freezing) so that they have enough time to grow roots and bloom in the Spring. Make sure to plant them with the bulb tips facing up and about 6 inches deep in the ground.
  • PLANTING IN THE SPRING: We suggest planting them in the Fall for the best blooms, however you can plant tulip bulbs in early spring after temperatures reach above freezing. You will most likely get some green foliage from the bulbs this Spring.
  • BLOOM: Most species of tulips bloom for 8 weeks.
  • WATERING: Tulips do not require a lot of watering and can even last weeks with no watering.
  • LIGHT: Tulips prefer full sun.

TIP: Most of these Spring flowers prefer to be planted in the Fall for the best blooms, however this does not mean you can’t buy them fully bloomed from the nursery and plant them into the ground. If planted in the ground this Spring, the blooms just may not last as long.

2. Daffodils

best spring flowers to plant in new jersey

Daffodils are a classic Spring flower that you typically see in the early Spring. Their gorgeous blooms come in yellow, white, and orange, adding a fun pop of color to your landscape. Daffodils are another easy to grow flower and thrive in both sunny and partially shaded areas.


  • LIGHT: Plant your daffodils in an area with full sunlight but can grow in partial sun too.
  • WATERING: Be sure to water them at least once a week for the best results.
  • PLANTING BULBS:The best time of the year to plant your daffodil bulbs is 6-8 weeks before freezing (about 60 degrees) in the Fall. Plant them about 6 inches deep in well drained soil.
  • PLANTING IN THE SPRING: If you choose to plant daffodils in the Spring, try planting fully emerged and flowering bulbs in pots or planters for long lasting blooms.

3. Hyacinths

best flowers to plant in spring new jersey

Hyacinths are known for their gorgeous colors and amazing scent. These flowers come in so many color options, like purple, pink, blue, and white. We suggest planting them in flower beds, borders, or containers for a aesthetically pleasing display.


  • PLANTING HYACINTHS:  We suggest planting hyacinth bulbs in the Fall six to eight weeks before the first frost. They should be planted with the bigger side in the bottom of the hole about 4 to 6 inches deep into the ground.
  • SUNLIGHT: These Spring flowers like full sun to partial shade. Just make sure they will get at least 6 hours of sun wherever you choose to plant them.
  • BLOOM: These flowers bloom in early Spring and are very low maintenance perennials that bloom year after year.
  • WATERING: You do not have to water these flowers unless there is a strange amount of time you don’t get rain.

4. Crocuses

best spring time flowers to plant

Crocuses are typically one of the first flowers to bloom after the cold winter months have passed. These short flowers bloom in a fun colors, including shades of purple, yellow, and even white.


  • TIP: They are deer, rabbit and critter resistant.
  • PLANTING: Before the ground freezes in the Fall, be sure to plant your bulbs for the best Spring blooms. Plant these bulbs about 4 inches deep and 2 to 4 inches apart from one another with the pointed tip facing up.
  • BLOOMING: These flowers are very early Spring bloomers and late Winter bloomers.
  • SUNLIGHT: Crocuses enjoy full sunlight.
  • WATER: The flowers are low maintenance and just require regular watering in the Spring time.

5. Primroses

best flowers to plant early spring

Primroses are known for their dainty flowers and bright colors, making them the perfect addition to any spring garden. These flowers love the shade or partial shade and come in a variety of colors, including pink, purple, yellow, and white. Plant them in borders, rock gardens, or containers for a beautiful display.

Primrose care

  • LIGHT: Primroses prefer partial sun, so be sure to plant them where they get at least a few hours of sunlight in the morning.
  • WATER: Primroses require daily watering. Avoid watering in the direct sun so that they don’t burn.
  • BLOOM: Primroses bloom in early Spring.
  • PLANTING: If you plan on planting primroses in the ground, be sure to wait until you have a few days of warmer temperature in the Spring to avoid planting them when the ground temperature is at freezing point.

6. Lilacs

best spring flowers for planters

Known for their fragrant blooms and lush foliage, lilacs are a favorite springtime flower for many gardeners and we can totally understand why! These shrubs bloom pretty flowers in shades of purple, pink, white, and blue, that have a sweet floral scent to them. They come in different varieties to fit the area you want to plant them in and they can even grow up to 15 feet tall in some cases!


  • SUN LIGHT: Lilacs need at least 6 hours of sung light to fully bloom.
  • PLANTING: Lilacs are an ideal Spring flower to plant into the ground in early Spring as soon as the ground is no longer freezing. Be sure to give your lilacs enough space between each other to allow them room to grow to their full potential.
  • WATERING: We recommend watering lilacs at least 1-2 times per week when they are first added to your garden. As the plant matures, you may not need to water it as much.

7. Pansies

best spring flowers to plant in pots

Pansies are one of the best flowers that can withstand that cooler spring weather. They are great because they add a bold color to garden beds, borders, and containers. These flowers are very accessible and can usually be found for a great price at your local nursery.


  • SUN LIGHT: Pansies do best in areas with full sun to partial sun.
  • PLANTING: Plant your pansies in well drained soil. Pansies can be planted in the early spring or in the fall because they can survive cooler weather better than the other Spring flowers can. Pansies are an excellent Spring flower to plant in your containers around your front and backyard.
  • WATERING: Pansies require some more watering for optimal growth (approx. 1 inch of water per week).

8. Peonies

spring flowers names

Peonies are known for their lushious and large flowers to any spring garden which is why they are our favorite! These perennials come in shades of pink, red, white, and yellow, and their luxurious blooms make stunning cut flowers for arrangements. We cut them every year and display them on our kitchen counter proudly.


  • LIGHT: Peonies prefer full sun or at least 6 hours of sunlight a day.
  • BLOOM: Peonies usually do not bloom during their first season after being planted. Not to worry, once they mature they will beautifully bloom and grow each year.
  • WATER: With peonies, you want to make sure that the soil is always moist especially in a younger plant. When the peonies are mature, you should water them weekly.
  • PLANTING: The best time to plant your peonies is in the Fall and Spring months. Space each plant 3-4 feet apart from each other and about 2 inches deep in the ground.

Tips For a Successful Garden:

Here are some tips for a successful garden this Spring:

  • Be sure to plan your garden before your plant. Consider the space you have, the amount of sunlight you get, and soil conditions
  • Take into account how large the flowers will get when they are mature to make sure that there is enough space for them to grow beautifully.
  • Water your plants in the early morning or late afternoon to avoid their foliage burning in the direct sun.
  • Periodically check on your flowers for pests and disease. Take this time to prune your flowers.

This blog post was all about best spring flowers to plant.



